Bookhylla List - Books by Tony Riches


Can a servant marry a queen? 1422: Owen Tudor, a Welsh servant, falls in love with the Queen of England. The beautiful Catherine of Valois, widow of the warrior king, Henry V, is lonely.... and her son, the future King Henry VI, shows signs of the family madness. As the country simmers on the brink of civil war, will Owen risk everything to protect her? Discover how they change British history – and establish a dynasty... The Tudors.

  • Writen byTony Riches

What would you sacrifice for loyalty? 1461: King Edward of York has taken the country by force. Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, flees to Brittany with his nephew, Henry Tudor. But dare they risk a reckless invasion of England? Travel back in time to fifteenth century England, Wales, Scotland, France and Brittany – and discover how they change British history – and become... The Tudors.

  • Writen byTony Riches

Would you become King of England... If you had to win the crown by conquest? Henry Tudor’s victory over King Richard III at Bosworth is only the beginning. Can he end the Wars of the Roses through marriage to the beautiful Princess Elizabeth - and unite the warring houses of Lancaster and York? Resentment, treachery, rebels and pretenders threaten Henry’s throne. It seems his prayers are answered, then disaster strikes and Henry must ensure the future of the Tudors.

  • Writen byTony Riches